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All skin types.

Unifying and smoothing tinted treatment.

Double-effect tinted cream: immediately corrects wrinkles and imperfections with an anti-aging effect. Formulated with an exclusive combination of three different types of pigments and with a high concentration of Blue Algae extracts known for their powerful smoothing activity, this cream is designed to enhance the natural complexion, for an instantly refined, visibly younger skin texture. and a radiant complexion.


Anti-aging Complexes*: Blue micro algae extract (3%).

Green tea and red vine extracts rich in polyphenols and flavonoids.

Soy Sterol and Wild Yam Root Extract.

Precious Lupine and Wheat Germ oils.

Yeast extract rich in Betaglucan.

Laminaria algae extract.

Organic mineral complex available.

Anti-aging peptides.

“Resurrection Plant” Extract

Radiance-enhancing elements: Transparent “Soft Focus” pigments.

Pearly pigments.

Colored pigments.

Usage tips:

After cleansing with the Cleansing Milk and the Acid Compensator, apply the Enhancing Cream with your fingertips and smooth evenly over the face and neck.

For optimal results: use the appropriate Physiodermie Boosters and Emulsions before applying the Enhancing Cream.

Enhancing Cream

SKU: 15
  • Après avoir nettoyé avec le Lait de Toilette et le Compensateur Acide, appliquer la Crème Sublimatrice du bout des doigts et lisser uniformément sur le visage et le cou.

    Pour un résultat optimal: utiliser les Boosters et les Émulsions Physiodermie appropriés avant d’appliquer la Crème Sublimatrice.

  • Complexes Anti-âge*:Extrait de micro algue bleue (3%).

    Extraits de thé vert et vigne rouge riches en polyphénols etflavonoïdes.

    Stérol de soja et Extrait de racine de Wild Yam.

    Huiles précieuses de Lupin et de Germe de blé.

    Extrait de levure riche en Betaglucan.

    Extrait d’algue laminaire.

    Complexe minéral bio disponible.

    Peptides anti-âge.

    Extrait de «plante de la résurrection»

    Éléments améliorant l’éclat:Pigments « Soft Focus » transparents.

    Pigments nacrés.

    Pigments colorés.

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